THINKTANK Control Valves Take Into Account The Safety, Reliability, Environmental, and Life Cycle Solutions of Demanding Applications in Chemical Processing.


THINKTANK provides customers with a wide range of design functions and expertise in corrosion-resistant materials and material applications. Our control valves takes into account the safety, reliability, environmental, and life cycle solutions of demanding applications in chemical processing.

Reference List

  • Shell (Zhuhai) Lubricant Project, Zhangjiagang Demei Wacker Project
  • Chuanwei 1350 Air Separation, Chuanwei’s 200,000-ton/year synthesis project, desulfurization equipment reconstruction and expansion project, Sichuan-East Gas Pipeline Project, powder VAE development and pilot test, Sinochem Gree Gaolan Port storage project
  • 1 million tons/year delayed coking unit, 10,000 cubic meters/year hydrogen production, 10,000 cubic meters/year hydrogenation unit
  • 2X410T/H boiler flue gas desulfurization and dust removal integrated transformation, natural gas alternative-fuel oil, natural gas alternative-fuel oil for the polyester division
  • Polypropylene devise and CB+/H2 recovery device in gas
  • Polyethylene catalyst technical transformation project
  • Shenhua CPP ethylene production and PE overall renovation project PE and tank farm project
  • 1 million tons/year delayed coking unit, 10,000 square meters/year hydrogen production, 10,000 square meters/year hydrogenation unit, 30,000 tons/year sulfur recovery unit, 1.2 million tons/year catalytic unit, 800,000 tons/year gasoline refueling unit Hydrogen plant regulating valve
  • 10,000 tons/year YA construction project YA process, 600,000 tons/year gasoline hydrogenation unit
  • Ethylene to MR102 bed 2. Gas pressure regulating valve project
  • 80,000 tons/year polypropylene plant
  • Propylene oxide, gas separation device
  • 30,000 tons/year additive MTBE, 600,000 tons/year catalytic device, 60,000 tons/year lubricating oil device, 600,000 tons/year catalytic device, 1 million tons/year atmospheric and vacuum device
  • 100,000 tons/year polypropylene project of PetroChina Qingyang Petrochemical Branch

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