HCB Series Balanced Cage Single-Seat Control Valve
The HCB series balanced cage single-seat control valve includes both straight-through and angle types. These valves use high-performance sealing rings on the valve plug or cage. The valve body is compactly structured and equipped with a flow-directing vane designed to enhance the fluid balance around the cage, resulting in minimal pressure drop, high flow capacity, wide adjustability, and precise flow characteristics. This design conforms to the IEC 60534-2-1-2011 standard. The control valve offers excellent dynamic stability, low noise, and minimal cavitation corrosion. It meets the ANSI FCI 70-2-2013 standard for leakage. The valve is compatible with either a multi-spring diaphragm or a cylinder actuator, which provides a compact structure and high output force. The HCB sleeve control valve is suitable for managing various high-temperature and low-temperature high-pressure fluids and can be customized for special requirements.