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Why is Override in a Pressure Relief Valve Not Desirable

Override in a pressure relief valve is a condition where the valve opens at a pressure higher than its designated set pressure.

Override in a pressure relief valve is a condition where the valve opens at a pressure higher than its designated set pressure. As seasoned engineers at THINKTANK specializing in valve technology, we can confidently explain why this is not desirable.

replace safety valve

Safety First

The primary purpose of a pressure relief valve (PRV) is to protect equipment and systems from excessive pressure by opening at a predetermined pressure level. Override compromises this safety function. If a PRV opens at a higher pressure, it exposes the system to potentially hazardous conditions, potentially leading to equipment damage or even catastrophic failures.

Sign of Trouble

Override can indicate a malfunction within the valve mechanism, such as spring degradation or obstruction preventing the valve from opening at the correct set pressure. This not only jeopardizes system safety but also signifies maintenance issues that can lead to increased operational costs and downtime.

Staying within Rules

Moreover, from a regulatory and compliance perspective, operating a PRV with an override issue could mean non-compliance with industry standards and safety regulations. This can have serious implications, including legal liabilities and reputational damage for the company.

direct spring operated srvs operation
direct spring operated srvs operation

At THINKTANK, we emphasize the importance of regular maintenance and testing of PRVs to ensure they operate at their designated set pressures. This aligns with best practices in the industry and ensures the safety and efficiency of the systems we design and manage.

Picture of Will Don

Will Don

After earning my bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Zhejiang Normal University in 2008, l was fortunate enough to begin my career with Siemens, Fisher, and YTC, focusing on control valve accessories. Over the past dozen years, l've poured my heart and energy into understanding technology and fluid solutions for control valves.
Now, as the marketing director for THINKTANK, a trusted branch of the Taiwan STONE valve group, I can't help butf eel proud of how far we've come. Our knowledge isn't just reaching professionals like engineer and valve distributors; it's also inspiring the next generation of automation college students.
l genuinely hope you're enjoying our articles and finding them helpful.Your thoughts, questions, and feedback mean the world to me, so please don't hesitate to reach out to marketing[at] Whether you're a seasoned expert or just curious about the field, I'm here to connect, share, and learn together.

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I am the author of this article, and also the CEO and marketing director of THINKTANK, with 15 years of experience in the industrial valve industry. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time.

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With expertise in valves and rich experience in the oil&gas, chemical industry, textile mills, power plants, and sugar mills. THINKTANK has become the premier manufacturer of next-generation precision control valves.

With a customer base that includes over 42 of the world’s leading engineering&contractors and international valve brands, THINKTANK Valves offers cost-effective valves that help our customers achieve automated process control without paying high prices.

Why are more and more international valve brands choosing THINKTANK for OEM service?

Brand is reputation, which not only requires high valve technology, but also great comercial support and fast response after-sales service and delivery time. They will not gamble their brand on an unknown product

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