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Selection and Application of Molten Salt Control Valves

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    csp system overview
    csp system overview

    In recent years, as the environmental impact of traditional energy sources such as coal and petrochemicals has become more and more of a concern, there has been a growing search for cleaner and more environmentally friendly energy alternatives. Concentrated Solar Power(CSP) has been widely promoted and applied because of its clean and sustainable characteristics. In Concentrated Solar Power, molten salt control valves are crucial devices, and the selection and application of molten salt control valves are very important for the efficient operation of the entire system.

    molten salt control valve
    molten salt control valve

    Working Principle and Application of Molten Salt Control Valves

    Concentrated solar power uses the heat generated by solar energy to heat the heat transfer material, which then drives the steam turbine to generate electricity. Among the various technologies, tower molten salt power generation is the most mature. The heat transfer material is usually a binary or ternary nitrate molten salt. The tower height can reach over 200 meters, combining high temperature, large differential pressure, crystallization tendency, and strong corrosiveness, which put forward higher requirements for the performance of control valves.

    typical csp system
    typical csp system

    Application Challenges of Molten Salt Control Valves

    High Temperature and Large Differential Pressure

    The operating temperature range of molten salt is 290-565°C, with wide temperature fluctuations. Pressure differences can be significant, such as in the case of large pressure difference control valves in the lower part of the tower, where the inlet pressure exceeds 5MPa and the outlet pressure is 0.2MPa.

    Crystallization and Strong Corrosiveness

    Molten salt itself is highly corrosive and prone to crystallization.

    Multiple Working Conditions

    The valves must meet the requirements of multiple working conditions and have high adjustment performance.

    Solutions for Molten Salt Control Valves

    Material Selection

    Low-Temperature Molten Salt Control Valves (generally 375°C and below)

    The valve body and bonnet materials can be WCB, WCC, or A105, the valve plug/trim and seat are made of austenitic stainless steel with Stellite hardfacing, the valve stem is made of high-temperature austenitic stainless steel, and the bolts and nuts are made of high-temperature chromium-molybdenum steel. This material combination is cost-effective and performs well in application.

    High-Temperature Molten Salt Control Valves (around 565°C)

    The valve body and bonnet materials can be CF8C, the valve plug and seat are made of high-temperature stainless steel with Stellite hardfacing, the valve stem is made of high-temperature high-strength stainless steel, and the bolts and nuts are made of high-temperature stainless steel. This material combination has excellent high-temperature oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, erosion resistance, and fatigue resistance.

    concentrated solar power schematic
    concentrated solar power schematic

    Valve Trim Design

    The valve trim design depends on the actual working differential pressure.

    • For smaller diameters and differential pressure less than 1MPa, parabolic single-seated valves can be used.
    • For larger differential pressure, multi-stage pressure reducing single-seated valves are recommended.
    • For larger diameters, cage type control valves are generally used;
    • For higher differential pressure, multi-stage or labyrinth control valves are suggested.
    trim design for molten salt control valve
    trim design for molten salt control valve

    Special Design

    Gasket Design

    It is generally recommended to use high-temperature austenitic stainless steel metal serrated gaskets, metal octagonal gaskets, metal C-rings, or metal O-rings to ensure high reliability under high temperature and pressure and alternating thermal conditions.

    special gasket for molten salt control valve
    special gasket for molten salt control valve

    Packing Design

    Molten salt control valves use special packing materials and a combination of various high-temperature sealing materials to address the issue of increased leakage pathways caused by the oxidation of conventional graphite packing at high temperatures.

    special packing for molten salt control valve
    special packing for molten salt control valve

    Bonnet Design

    Extended bonnets or bellows-sealed bonnets are recommended. Due to the strong permeability of molten salt in its molten state, it is easy to leak from the packing area. Bellows-sealed valve stems are the most effective solution.

    molten salt control valve bellows design
    molten salt control valve bellows design

    Whether with or without bellows, the bonnet must have heating trace to prevent molten salt crystallization.

    molten salt control valve electric heat tracing
    molten salt control valve electric heat tracing

    Angle Structure Design

    The internal flow path should be smooth and without dead corners to reduce medium wear and deposition.

    y type control valves
    y type control valves

    Welded Connection

    This design adapts well to pressure and temperature changes, preventing external leakage at pipe connections.

    Top Guide Design

    Extended bonnets with guides are set to solve stability issues caused by the large slenderness ratio of the valve stem due to the extended bonnet.

    High-Temperature Internal Parts Size Control

    Accurate size gap control is required to ensure stable operation and prevent jamming of internal parts at high temperatures.

    typical csp system
    typical csp system


    In recent years, THINKTANK’s molten salt control valves have been successfully working well in many CSP projects, accumulating rich design, manufacturing, and operational experience. If you have any needs or questions, please feel free to contact us for free consultation.

    Picture of Will Don

    Will Don

    After earning my bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Zhejiang Normal University in 2008, l was fortunate enough to begin my career with Siemens, Fisher, and YTC, focusing on control valve accessories. Over the past dozen years, l've poured my heart and energy into understanding technology and fluid solutions for control valves.
    Now, as the marketing director for THINKTANK, a trusted branch of the Taiwan STONE valve group, I can't help butf eel proud of how far we've come. Our knowledge isn't just reaching professionals like engineer and valve distributors; it's also inspiring the next generation of automation college students.
    l genuinely hope you're enjoying our articles and finding them helpful.Your thoughts, questions, and feedback mean the world to me, so please don't hesitate to reach out to marketing[at] Whether you're a seasoned expert or just curious about the field, I'm here to connect, share, and learn together.

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    I am the author of this article, and also the CEO and marketing director of THINKTANK, with 15 years of experience in the industrial valve industry. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time.

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